📢 The WCMS Book Fair will be February 10-14, 2025. You can visit https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/wirtcountymiddleschool1 to set up a Book Fair eWallet or shop online this week! 8th grade will shop on Monday, 7th grade on Tuesday, 6th grade on Wednesday, 5th grade on Thursday, and Friday is the make-up day for anyone who misses their scheduled day.

Week 2 of One Book One School activities are now available! Students who turn in their activity by next Friday, Feb. 14th, get to choose from prizes like a hat pass, LiveSchool points, and first in line to lunch. Check out the activities below and visit https://fb.watch/xC16qnQlvO/ to hear about reading strategies from Mrs. Good.
📖Grade Level Books:
5th Grade - Walk Two Moons
6th Grade - The Fourteenth Goldfish
7th Grade - The Honest Truth
8th Grade - Fish in a Tree

Wirt County Schools are on a 3 hour delay Thursday, February 6th, 2025.

We are continuing to see lots of sickness county wide with our students. Please be sure to follow the chart below and see this note from Nurse Kelly!
We have seen a recent increase in flu and stomach virus symptoms in our classrooms. Please monitor your child for any fever, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Should they experience any of these symptoms, please keep them home and monitor them. Per recent health department guidance, students should remain home for at least 48-72 hours. If your student would need additional days to rest and recover from any of these symptoms, please contact Nurse Kelly at 304-588-8967 or Nurse Autumn at 304-377-6665. Your student will have those days excused due to illness.

Congratulations to Daisy! She participated in the Time for Change Challenge in which she submitted a service learning project focused on getting food for people in need. She was awarded start-up funding to get her project up and running and has the potential to earn more. She used this money to order various food items to be donated to the WCHS Communities in Schools food pantry. We are so proud of Daisy's hard work on this project! Her kindness is truly something to be commended.

Please check out this important information from our nurse!

Join Project Aware and Coplin Health Systems for a Self-Care Hobby Night on February 13th at 6:00 PM at Wirt County Primary Center. Learn valuable skills to destress and focus on staying healthy, including mindful movements and journaling tips. This is a great opportunity to connect with others and discover new ways to relax and recharge. Register online at https://bit.ly/Feb2025-HobbyNight or by calling Andrea Bailey, Project AWARE coordinator, at 304-275-4279.

Please take approximately 10-15 minutes and help us with our data! Use the link below to complete our parent survey for the WVDE. This survey does not request your name or any other identifying information.
Survey login code: P094301
You may also use the QR code to complete the survey.

The WV Board of Education requires all schools to engage in continuous school improvement. In doing so, schools should engage in a data-driven school planning process, identify its needs, and work to increase school safety and create a positive learning environment.
To support that process, schools will be doing surveys to gather information about the learning and teaching environment, the health and well-being of students, and supports for parents, school staff, and students that foster learning and success.
We are sending home a consent form with your child this week for you to sign ONLY if you do NOT want your child to participate in the survey. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, the form must be returned to the office by February 14th.

📖 Wirt County Middle School will be participating in the One School One Book Challenge. Check out the video on our Facebook page from Mrs. Good to hear about the books, reading strategies, and the parent involvement activities to come! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063493631925

National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success! We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Rebecca Dunkle as our school counselor at WCMS! When you see her this week, be sure to wish her a happy School Counselors Week!

WCMS Yearbook order forms are coming home today! Yearbooks can be ordered online at ybpay.com using the code 15145925.

Save the date! The next WCMS Book Fair will be February 10-14, 2025. You can visit https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/wirtcountymiddleschool1 to set up a Book Fair eWallet for your student or shop online the week of the fair.

Tomorrow, Jan. 28th at 6:00 p.m., Wirt County Schools Parent Educator Resource Center is a hosting a workshop on Understanding Special Ed in the Wirt County Middle School Library.
-Understand the evaluation process and access necessary services.
-Learn about the IEP and how it supports your child's needs.
-Discover the 504 plan and how it can help students with disabilities succeed.
-Gain strategies for academic success, including considerations for standardized testing.
Empower yourself to advocate for your child's education!

The WVDE is excited to announce applications are now open for the West Virginia Governor's Schools! These FREE summer residential programs offer exceptional learning experiences for students in various disciplines. Visit WV Governor's Schools (https://wvde.us/gov-schools/) to explore the programs and see if something sparks your student's interest. Encourage your student to discuss these opportunities with their teachers or Mrs. Dunkle!
Governor’s Schools for Middle School Students :
- Governor's School of Literacy through the Arts, Culture, and History (GSLACH) – current 8th grade students (application deadline for counties is March 28, 2025)
- Governor's STEM Institute (GSI) (WVU) – current 7th grade students (application deadline for counties is April 11, 2025)
- Governor's STEM Institute (GSI) (Green Bank) – current 8th grade students (application deadline for counties is April 11, 2025)

WCMS Snow Packet Day #5

Wirt County Schools will be closed Thursday, January 23rd, 2025. This is an NTI day and students need to complete snow packet #5. Work will be posted on Schoology, our app, and website. Please message your teachers on Schoology with any questions!

Wirt County Schools Parent Educator Resource Center is a hosting workshop on Understanding Special Ed on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the Wirt County Middle School Library.
-Understand the evaluation process and access necessary services.
-Learn about the IEP and how it supports your child's needs.
-Discover the 504 plan and how it can help students with disabilities succeed.
-Gain strategies for academic success, including considerations for standardized testing.
Empower yourself to advocate for your child's education!

Wirt County Schools are closed Wednesday, January 22, 2025. No snow packet work is required!

Day 4 Snow Packets for WCMS Students